Fast Track to your Psychic Abilities
Mastership Program
>「超能力への近道」マスタープログラム - 招待 - 日本語オンラインコース - クラウディア・グレンジャー 大島真澄 2025 年 1 月 1 日から 4 月 12 日まで。ご質問がある場合は、日本語で真澄までご連絡ください。 [email protected] お支払いはこちら (12 月 1 日から 12 月 30 日までの価格): https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Claud...)
生徒の声: 「クラウディアのクラスを受講した後、私の人生は完全に変わりました。これは私が今まで自分に与えた最高の贈り物の 1 つです。目覚めの旅を始めるために必要なものがすべて揃っています。クラスは簡単に理解できますが、可能性は無限です。このクラスは、私の生まれながらの超能力への扉を開いてくれただけでなく、私の意識を大幅に広げるのにも役立ちました。
Siqi Xi、2024 年 6 月 29 日
******************************「超能力への近道」マスタープログラム - 日本語オンラインコース情報
クラウディア・グレンジャー & 大島真澄
2025 年 3 月 7 日から 6 月 7 日まで。ご質問がある場合は、日本語で真澄までお問い合わせください。[email protected]
こちらでお支払いください (12 月 1 日から 12 月 30 日までの価格): https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ClaudiaGragner/699)
「超能力への近道 1」
皆さん、こんにちは。2025 年 3 月 7 日 (日本時間) に開始するマスタープログラムについての情報です。• これは、3 月 7 日 (土) から 6 月 7 日 (土) までの 13 週間にわたる総合的なマスタープログラムで、6 つの自習課題、7 つのグループセッション (ミーティング)、およびプログラムの後半のプライベートセッション (100 ドル相当) が含まれます。 1 月 11 日に以前のメンバーとのグループ瞑想が行われます。購入後、すべての Zoom ミーティング リンクがプログラムへのリンクとともに提供されます。購入時に使用したメール アドレスに送信されます。
ミーティングスケジュール - 日本時間午前 8:30 (アリゾナ時間)
英語 日本語
1 月 10 日 1 月 11 日
午前 8 時から 9 時まで 瞑想エクササイズ
3 月 7 日 3 月 8 日
午前 8 時から 9 時まで 瞑想エクササイズ
午前 9 時から 10:30 時まで 新グループのオンボーディング
およびモジュール 1 の紹介
3 月 21 日 3 月 22 日 モジュール 2 エクササイズおよび
午前 8 時から 10 時まで 質疑応答 モジュール 1
4 月 4 日 4 月 5 日 モジュール 3 エクササイズおよび
午前 8 時から 10 時まで 質疑応答 モジュール 2
4 月 18 日 4 月 19 日 モジュール 4 エクササイズおよび
午前 8 時から 10 時まで 質疑応答 モジュール 3
4 月 25 日 4 月 26 日 モジュール 5 エクササイズおよび
午前 8 時から 10 時まで 質疑応答 モジュール 4
5 月 2 日 5 月 3 日
午前 8 時から 9 時まで 瞑想エクササイズ午前9時~10時30分 モジュール5 演習と
質疑応答 モジュール4
5月16日 5月17日 モジュール6 演習と
午前8時~10時 質疑応答 モジュール5
6月6日 6月7日 モジュール追加とまとめ
午前8時~10時 質疑応答6
10時~11時 新規メンバー向けの30分間のプライベートショートセッション。
日本にお住まいでない場合は、タイムゾーンを確認してください。 https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
• このプログラムには、多くのビデオ、指導資料、説明、アドバイス、その他のダウンロード可能な資料が含まれています。 • コース資料を受け取ったら、内容をよく読み、宿題(練習)を行ってください。 • 可能であれば、毎日練習する時間を確保してください。練習すればするほど、プログラムから得られるものが多くなります。 • Zoomミーティングは録画され、保存されるので、後で視聴して復習することができます。 • Facebook グループ「超能力へのショートカット」では、メンバーはグループへの提案、役に立つリンクや情報を投稿して共有できます。 • このプログラムには、あなただけのための特別なパワーアップ セッションが含まれています。コースの後半でこのセッションを受講して、個人的な質問や疑問をすべて解消することをお勧めします。私は自分の仕事に大きな誇りを持っており、中途半端なままであなたを帰すことはありません。自習課題を見るだけで、このプログラムに私がどれだけのエネルギーを注いだかがわかります。 • コース リンクを使用すると、すべての関連資料と録音に無制限にアクセスできます。 • 現在の生徒の中には、興味のある分野をさらに深く掘り下げてほしいと私に依頼する人もいます。今後、そのようなリクエストにも喜んで対応します。 • 「超能力へのショートカット」のテーマと課題。 課題 1: 黄金の光と 4 つの情報源 (視覚、聴覚、感覚、触覚) に身を委ねて、神の精神とつながります。 課題 2: オーラの読み取りとグラウンディング。 課題 3: 安全な環境でガイド、天使、亡くなった愛する人と会う。課題4:安全なチャネリング技術。課題5:神の光によるヒーリング。課題6:日常生活における障害の解消と超能力の活用。さらに、幽霊やその他の低振動の存在への対処法も学びます。(最近、地球の振動が加速し、多次元世界との境界が薄くなっているためか、こうした超常現象を目撃する人が増えていると言われています。)過去の経験から、このプログラムは1,000ドル以上の価値があると多くの生徒から言われていますが、皆さんに自分の能力を日常生活に簡単に取り入れていただきたいので、私のスピリットガイドと相談し、現在の円安を考慮して、料金を699ドル(現在の日本円で約104,888.45円)に設定しました。
ご質問は、お気軽にマスミまでお問い合わせください。[email protected]
To book a private session with Claudia: https://ClaudiaGrangerbookings.as.me
– スピリットとハイヤーセルフと調和する
– 自分の目的を発見し、目的と道についてより深く理解する
– 直感的な知恵とガイダンスを受け取る
– 第三の目と内なる知識を目覚めさせる
– 安全にチャネリングする方法を学ぶ
– 共感的な自己の賜物を活用する(共感者のサバイバルガイド)
– スピリチュアルな賜物を探求する
– 宇宙の知性を目覚めさせ、隠された謎を活用する
– 内面の旅
– 自分自身とスピリチュアルな目覚めを受け入れる
– 隠された現実を探求し、実現する
– 宇宙とのつながりを感じ、感知し、見て、解き明かす
– より魅力的になる
– 波動を高め、混沌を癒す
– 落ち着いた基盤の聖域を持つ
– 新たな可能性への扉を開く
– 本物の自分と調和する
– 人生の複雑さを乗り越える
– 才能と情熱が開花する
– しかし何よりも 楽しむ!
"Soul Attunement Training", also known as "Fast Track to Your Psychic Abilities" Mastership Program
Students say, "My life was absolutely transformed after taking Claudia’s
Claudia is not only a fantastic teacher but also an extraordinary mentor who really cares about her students and is able to see the unique spark of light in each one of us. She has the wisdom of the great master, yet she shows great compassion towards everyone. She always offers great patience and attention to answer even the tiniest questions.
I highly recommend her classes and look forward to studying with her in the future. She’s absolutely the best. I wish words could describe how much gratitude I have for her and the courses she offers."
Siqi Xi, 6-29-2024
English Speakers: purchase here
or use
Zelle: to 928-300-2112 or [email protected], Claudia Granger
Venmo: Claudia-Granger-1
Partial Payments can be made upon request.
You can start any time you want and at your desired pace.
– Align yourself with Spirit and your Higher Self
– Discover Your Purpose and gain a Deeper Understanding of Purpose and Path
– Receive Intuitive Wisdom and Guidance
– Awaken Your Third Eye and Inner Knowing
– Learn to Channel Safely
– Harness The Gift Of Your Empathic Self (Empath’s survival guide)
– Explore Your Spiritual Gifts
– Awaken Your Cosmic Intelligence and Harness Hidden Mysteries
– Journey Within
– Embrace Yourself and Your Spiritual Awakening
– Explore and Manifest Hidden Realities
– Feel, Sense, See, and Ravel In Cosmic Connections
Harness the Truth
– Become More Magnetic
– Raise Your Vibration and Heal Chaos
– Have a Calm Foundation Sanctuary
– Open Doors to New Possibilities
– Align Yourself with Your Authentic Self
– Navigate Life’s Complexities
– Your Talents and Passions will Flourish
– But first and foremost EN-JOY!
Are You Drowning in a Sea of Other People's Emotions?
Imagine walking into a crowded room and feeling instantly overwhelmed. The anger, anxiety, and sadness of everyone around you crash over you like a tidal wave. Your heart races, your palms sweat, and you only want to run away and hide.
If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. Millions of highly sensitive and intuitive people struggle daily with absorbing the emotions and energy of others. It's exhausting. It's overwhelming. And it can make you feel like your sensitivity is a curse.
But what if I told you it doesn't have to be this way?
What if your sensitivity could become your superpower instead of your kryptonite?
The truth is, your intuitive gifts are exactly that - gifts. But like any powerful tool, they must be properly harnessed and controlled. Otherwise, they can wreak havoc on your life.
Many sensitive people try to deal with their overwhelm in one of two destructive ways:
1. The Duct Tape Approach: Shutting Down Your Intuition
This is like slapping duct tape over a leaky pipe. Sure, it might stop the flow temporarily. But the pressure keeps building and building until... BOOM! The pipe explodes, leaving you more overwhelmed than ever.
Suppressing your intuition doesn't make it go away. It just pushes it underground, where it festers and grows. The toll on your mental and physical health can be devastating. Anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue - these are just some of the prices you might pay.
2. The Hermit Solution: Avoiding All People and Situations That Drain You
I get it. When the world feels too much, it's tempting to just... opt out. Decline those party invitations. Work from home. Limit your social circle to your cats.
But is that living?
By cutting yourself off from the world, you miss all the incredible connections, experiences, and opportunities life offers. Your sensitivity allows for deeper relationships and a more vibrant life experience. Don't throw that away!
Fortunately, there's a third option. One that allows you to fully embrace your gifts while staying grounded, centered, and in control.
The Psychic Forcefield: Mastering Advanced Energy Shielding
Imagine having an invisible suit of armor that allows you to move through the world confidently. You can connect deeply with others without taking on their "stuff." You're tuned in to your intuition, but you control the dial.
This isn't science fiction. With the right techniques, you can build an impenetrable psychic forcefield that protects your energy while allowing you to engage with life fully.
Here's the four-step system I teach my clients:
1. Ground Your Energy Daily: Just like a lightning rod channels electricity safely into the ground, proper grounding techniques allow excess energy to flow through you and into the earth.
2. Set Clear Energetic Boundaries: You wouldn't let a stranger walk into your home uninvited. Learn to create energetic boundaries that keep out unwanted influences while allowing in what serves you.
3. Cleanse Your Aura Regularly: Think of your aura like a windshield. Regular cleaning is needed to keep it clean and functional. Simple techniques can help you clear away energetic debris.
4. Strengthen Your Intuitive Discernment: Develop the ability to quickly and accurately distinguish between your feelings and those you pick up from others.
When you master these skills, your life transforms. Imagine:
• Walking into a crowded room and feeling calm, centered, and in control
• Deeply empathizing with a friend's pain without taking it on as your own
• Using your intuitive hits to guide you towards amazing opportunities
• Feeling energized and uplifted after social interactions instead of drained
This isn't just about psychic protection. It's about reclaiming your power and living life on your terms. It's about turning your sensitivity from a burden into your greatest asset.
Your intuitive gifts are trying to serve you. Isn't it time you learned how to use them?
Remember: You are not meant to be a sponge, soaking up the world's pain and chaos. You are meant to be a lighthouse - strong, grounded, shining your unique light into the world.
It's time to build your psychic forcefield and step into your power. Your sensitivity is a gift. Own it!
When purchasing the course, you choose a time for your onboarding call, where we go over your possible questions and course structure. The course material will be delivered to you as soon as possible after purchase.
You will be given a 6 Module Comprehensive Mastership Program with six self-study modules, endless live Membership group sessions, and one personalized session to ask 101 questions when you finish all 6 Modules ($200 value).
Themes and Modules of Fast Track I:
1) Connection with the Divine Spirt through Golden Light and Homing in on the 4 major information portals of seeing, hearing, sensing, and feeling,
2) Aura Seeing – Grounding,
3) Meet your guides, angels, and crossed-over loved ones in a safe manner
4) How to channel safely,
5) Healing with Divine Light,
6) Clearing Blockages and Modules for practical utilization of the gifts in everyday life. This module was extended so that people could also deal with low-frequency beings, from ghosts to whatever, as it seems that people see more of such activity as our planet accelerates its vibrations and the veil between the worlds gets thinner.
Live Zoom Meetings
According to my availability, we meet twice a month, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5 pm PST, 6 pm MST, 7 pm CST, 8 pm EST for live Zoom Meetings.
The following dates have been determined between January and May:
January 7th (Tuesday), January 16th (Thursday),
February 4th (Tuesday), February 13th (Thursday),
March 11th (Tuesday), March 27th (Thursday),
April 8th (Tuesday), April 24th (Thursday)
May 6th (Tuesday), May 22nd (Thursday)
More to come as this is a year around program.
Dates might be subject to change according to the needs of the group.
>Please compare your time zone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
If possible, dedicate daily practice time throughout the six modules, as practice makes perfect.
- The Zoom meetings will be recorded so that everyone can benefit, even if one cannot attend. They will be stored in the Meeting Library, where you also can access meetings from previous groups.
The meetings are interactive group sessions with questions and answers on the Zoom platform. These questions, answers, and exercises will be customized to the meeting groups’ needs. If we don’t get enough done on the designated day, we might have another call around the same time in the week. You can see that I will dedicate quite some time to you, even though it is a self-learning course. You will not be left hanging.
- A private “Fast Track to Your Psychic Abilities” Group is also created on Facebook. There, group members can post suggestions or links to things they might find helpful. I posted a few links to movies that explain multidimensionality, book suggestions, links to Crystal Finds, a video about the Third Eye, etc.
- The bonus booster session is personalized to you. I recommend taking that toward the end of your course to get all your personal course-related questions answered. I take great pride in my work and would not let you enter the world with half my knowledge.
- You have lifetime access to the course and will have access to the recording library of all previous and following groups.
- You are always invited to participate in our “Divine Light Healing Circle.” There, we practice healing arts for the ones in need. We have been quite successful, and many well-meaning beings join us in this exquisite time of light. Not only do you do good, but it will give you a feeling of being “back home.”
- You will be the first to be notified of Fast Track II and Fast Track III. My current students asked me to investigate certain areas of interest, and I am happy to oblige.
Former students tell me from their experiences it should be in the thousands, but that is way too much for everyday use. I asked my spirit guides, and they said $699.- (the power of love doubled).
They are telling me that the time of awakening is now and to dedicate time for your practical uplink to your spirit world. They promise it will make life easier and more fun to boot.
“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back
to God.” Leo Buscaglia
A 20% Discount is available for Veterans and friends of existing students.
For payments (besides using the link here, you can use
Zelle: to 928-300-2112 or [email protected], Claudia Granger
Venmo: Claudia-Granger-1
- The 6 Modules will include videos, instructions, and downloadable material.
- After class completion, you will not only have access to the regular “Divine Light Spirit Circle”, happening on Wednesdays with guided meditations, powerful healings for individuals and the planet, and discussion on what’s going on in the Ethers but also have access to the ongoing “Extras Module”.
How to Meet your Spirit Guides
Book it to do it with Claudia https://ClaudiaGrangerbookings.as.me/Guides60
Purchase it as self-learner Class and own the material: a link to all materials will be sent after the purchase: https://ClaudiaGrangerbookings.as.me/SelfStudyAngelsGuides
Welcome to your inner journey. Here you can learn the process of how to meet your guide and angels, and talk to crossed-over loved ones.
It is not difficult at all. Stop putting other people on a pedestal for their connections to their guides. You are entitled to have your own private connections too and I would encourage you to take advantage of it.

Online Courses
- Career Shift: This is an 4 week program, where I help Motivated Ethical Professionals in Transition to obtain their best (Job) Placement, or to reinvent or shift their current work environment, while making THEIR mark in the world and Making More Money than they ever dreamed possible, while Serving with CLARITY, COMMITMENT and COMPASSION.
- Life After Divorce - to get your smile, zest for life and joy back! This is a 4 week program, which can be extended by another 4 weeks, if wished for or needed. Here I help people who are devastated after a divorce, feel lost and alone, helpless or confused or general in limbo, to get their focus and primary joy in life back.
- Ultimate Self Esteem: know your self and your worth (Program also Recommended for High-Schoolers and older Teens) This program was originally created for the younger generation, who suffers from bullying and general low self-esteem, which can lead to depression and even suicide. This program shows how to cope with stress and peer pressure and shows simple strategies, which are easily implemented into the youths' busy lives. Parents, don't let your kids suffer! Teens: this class will be confidential!
- I realized, how truly most people are effected by low self-esteem in one way or another and what a wide range of effects it can have in ALL areas of life: relationships, jobs, joy, satisfaction in life.
- You will need to do 5 Shifts
Shift 1: Own Your Story
Shift 2: Change Your Patterns
Shift 3: Rewire Your Brain
Shift 4: Use The Secret Weapon
Shift 5: Invest in YOUR SELF, whether it is time or money or energy - This program will ignite your Core Brilliance, the one you are born with, that you feel better about yourself. With that confidence of your uniqueness, you will be in Demand in the World.
- I see what a person - YOU - can be and can ACHIEVE and help YOU BLOSSOM to your TRUE POTENTIAL. I see your BEAUTY, not your limitations. I see how you can become a TRULY UNIQUE BEACON OF LIGHT in the world, while getting the acknowledgement you deserve and the lifestyle you always dreamed about, but never dared hoping for.
- My mission is to empower you so that you can truly BELIEVE IN YOUR UNIQUE SELF and LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE.
- All that is accomplished with easy, but fun steps of self-development and acknowledgement.
- Positive emotions are the rocket fuel in our lives, negative emotions make us shrink! Let's get back on the bright side of existence!
What To Expect
We will use your Emotional Landscape to bring you from your PAIN ZONE to your BLISS ZONE, so that you have enough energy and insight into yourself to ACCEPT YOUR BRILLIANCE and MAKE YOUR MARK IN THE WORLD, while LIVING THE LIFESTYLE YOU CAN ENJOY!
Please book an interview here to see, whether this is right for you!
Access your Akashic Records
We learn how to obtain a relaxed state of consciousness and travel in and up along our soul strand. Through a certain visualization process, we will access our individual entrance to the Akashic Records, ask the gate keeper for the permission to access and download what we need to know at this point in time or what is meant for us to see.
90 min. $240.- per person, but group rates are available. Book here
To book, please call (928) 300-2112
- Akashic Records can give you very personal insights.
- Akashic Records can be accessed through symbols.
- Akashic Records can be accessed trough dreamstate.
- Akashic Records can be accessed through the morphogenetic field.
Claudia Granger, The School of Wholeness Navigation, (928) 300-2112
Ascension Through Soul Awareness
- Class I – Saturday 10 am to 1 pm - Active Golden Light Meditation
- Class II – Saturday 2 pm to 6 pm - Exercises: to see, feel and clean the Aura
- Class III – Sunday 10 am to 1 pm- Active Golden Light Meditation
- Class IV– Sunday 2 pm to 6 pm-Exercise: to see, Past Life Faces with your partner
$ 2000.- for the Intensive Workshop Weekend, book here and request a weekend.
Practitioners are trained in (usually) three levels. At the highest level, the practitioner is called a Reiki Master, and is entitled to train others. The ceremony at each level of practice (level one, two, and three) involves a spiritual opening to receive the energy.
- a true ancient healing form
- a jumping board for the future healer
- a healing foundation
- to open your healing hands
- to love yourself and others
Classes available for:
Reiki I $333.- book here
Reiki II $333.- book here
Reiki Master/Teacher $1110.- book here
Life Pro- and Regression
I am using four different methods to connect people with their future lives and the grid:
- through their soul self ( in and up),
- through their subconscious,
- through their emotional attachments and
- through simple relaxed visualization as a starting point and then merging with the other soul spark.
Who does not want to merge into his/her parallel/future self, might just want to watch to be able to understand.
These connections are symbolized through different symbolic pathways one cane take.
I will teach you how to be creative with these pathways, so that you/your client can achieve a progressions fairly easily. There are standard procedures and then there is flexibility. It is an art to learn to be flexible and to work with what comes up and not need to cling to certain concepts.
Single Pro- or Regression Sessions are available: $200.- per 60 Minutes.
Cost of Certification Class per person is $1500.-, consisting of several days with 5+ hours work time, depending on the receptivity and learning focus of the person or group.
Class minimum consists of two people, class maximum consists of 6 people.
Be aware that it is going to be an intense, but also fun class.
Please call (928) 300-2112 for more information.
Time slots fill quickly, please book here.
Meet your Guides
In the first stage, we will do the golden light meditation together, which empowers you and your cellular energy. It also keeps you in a safe place.
Then we work with an inner tool called “your inner house”. This house represents you in all aspects. Be surprised and allow yourself to receive.
For the CD “How to connect with your Guides and Crossed Over Loved Ones”, I can say satisfaction guaranteed or you get your money back.
I have had no one yet complain to me, that they haven’t met their guides in the one or other form. Others are amazed to connect with new ones, which they did not know about.
YOU CAN ALSO MEET YOUR GUIDES, GUARDIANS AND CROSSED OVER LOVED ONES WITH ME, over the phone or in person. I will teach you how, 1o1.
Connections on the phone available, recorded with no additional charge.
1 hour = $200.-
Group rates available!
Time slots fill up quickly. Please book ahead!
Claudia Granger, The School of Wholeness Navigation, (928) 300-2112
Past Life Regression
You will be able to help yourself and your clients to find out:
- why you/they are having certain phobias
- why you/they have to endure certain pains
- why you/they are attracting the same behavior patterns over and over
- why you/they have a hard time letting go or attracting a certain person into your/their life(s)
- why you/they live in glory, while others live in misery
- what connections you/they have with people
- why you/they might have certain fears
I am using four different methods to connect people with their past lives:
- through their soul self ( in and up)
- through their subconscious,
- through their emotional attachments and
- through simple relaxed visualization as a starting point and then merging with the other soul spark.
Who does not want to merge into his/her parallel/past self, might just want to watch to be able to understand.
These connections are symbolized through different symbolic pathways one cane take.
I will teach you how to be creative with these pathways, so that you/your client can achieve a past life connection fairly easily. There are standard procedures and then there is flexibility. It is an art to learn to be flexible and to work with what comes up and not need to cling to certain concepts.
Past Life Regression Session: 60 min. $200.- , please book here.
Cost of Certification Class per person is $1500.- and consists of several days with 5+ hours work time, depending on the receptivity and learning focus of the person or group.
Class minimum consists of two people, class maximum consists of 6 people.
Be aware that it is going to be an intense class.
Please call (928) 300-2112 for more information.
Time slots fill quickly, please book ahead.
The Power of Symbols
In this classes we learn how to
- protect ourselves with symbols
- to work with our own channeled symbols
- to work and heal with ancient symbols
- to work and heal with star language (Symbols of Ingmar, Symbols of Antares, Anima Symbols)
- to work and heal with kabbalistic formulas
- to know the gateways
- to recognize them in Auras
- to connect with power
- to see and feel and know
This classes are very intense and require a lot of focus.
Cost depends on the number of participants of a class and how much they want to learn.
A FULL DAY CLASS $600.- Please book here.
Classes can extend to being workshops and weekend seminars.
Please ask for details: (928) 300-2112, Claudia Granger, The School of Wholeness Navigation
Your Brilliance In Demand
4 Week and 8 week programs are are:
- Career Shift, How to get your Dream Career
- Life after Divorce - How to get your smile, zest for life and joy back!
- Know Yourself and Your Worth - How to develop Self Esteem
Please schedule interviews or book your first one on one session here!