


Online Booking Available

Inspirock Trip Planner For All Things Sedona

Group Sessions (Book here)

  • Book me for the day

  • Group Readings or Channelings

  • I come to your Air B&B

  • I teach or lecture to your group

  • Speaking Engagements
Go through the portal of spirituality, Channel with Claudia Granger blue on gold

Gift Certificates (Purchase here)

  • Book me for the day

  • Group Readings or Channelings

  • I come to your Air B&B

  • I teach or lecture to your group

  • Speaking Engagements
Gift Certificate

Psychic Readings (Book here)

  • Aura Readings

  • Clairvoyant Readings

  • Empathic Readings

  • Investment Readings

  • Medical Intuitive

  • Multidimensional Readings

  • Numerology Reading

  • Psychic Reading

  • Relationship Readings

  • Tarot Readings
silhouette of virtual human on sacred zodiac symbols, signs, geometry and designs

Animal Communications (Book here)

  • Animal Communications 30 or 60 minutes

  • Solex Health Scan for Animals (cats, dogs, horses)
Animal Communications

YOUR Brilliance In Demand Programs (Book here)

  • Joyous Life After Divorce

  • Job Shift – Dream Career

  • Ultimate Self Esteem – Teens or Grown Ups
Your Brilliance in Demand Program

Channeling (Book here)

  • Channeling Source

  • Guardian Angels

  • Life Purpose and Mission Hypnosis/Meditation

Classes- Self-Study and 101 (Book here)

  • 101 How to Clear a Person and Space

  • 101 or Self-Study: See Auras

  • Past Life Regression

  • 101 Access your Akashic Records

  • 101 Reiki All Levels

  • Discover and work with your Soul Matrix
School Logo

Clearing (Book here)

  • Clearing your Inner Blockages

  • Clearing you from Attachments

  • Cleansing a house from Spirits

  • Cleansing a Property

Counseling/Coaching (Book here)

  • Spiritual Life Coaching

  • Counseling

  • Synergetic Theapy

  • Recoding / Reprogramming

  • Relieving Life’s Pain

  • Trauma Release
Talking to you 101

Healings (Book here)

  • Aura & Chakra Balancing

  • Emotional and Trauma Release

  • Past Life Regression

  • Reconnective Healing

  • Reiki All Levels

  • With Crystals
Claudia Granger , Psychic Medium

Mastership Program (Book here)

Develop Psychic Abilities

Fast Track to your Psychic Abilities 1
• You can utilize this Mastership Program solely as a Self-Study Program and start early, or you can participate in one of the Group Programs, usually starting in January, March and August.

• It will be a 6-week Comprehensive Mastership Program with 6 self-study modules and 6-12 group sessions plus one personalized session towards the end of the program ($200 value). You will get an email on the first Saturday evening, with the first module and the first instructions.

Times can be changed. So far:
• Zoom sessions will happen at 4 or 5 pm MST
• The European group will meet on Thursday mornings, at 9 am or 10 am MST
Please compare your time zone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
The World Clock — Worldwide – Time and Date
World time and date for cities in all time zones. International time right now. Takes into account all DST clock changes.

• Please, if possible, dedicate daily practice time throughout the 6 weeks, as practice makes perfect.

• The weekly Zoom meetings will be recorded so that everyone can have the benefits, even if one cannot attend. They will be stored in the Meeting Library, where you also can access meetings from previous groups.

The meetings are interactive group sessions with questions and answers on the Zoom platform. These questions and answers and also exercises will be customized to the groups’ individual needs. The Zoom link for the first meeting should come with Module 1 and your first email. If we don’t get enough done on the designated day, we might have another call in the week around the same time.

You can see that I will dedicate quite some time to you, even though it is a self-learning course. You will not be left hanging ?.

• A private “Fast Track to Your Psychic Abilities” Group is also created on Facebook. There, group members can post suggestions or post links to things they might find helpful. I posted a few links to movies that explain multidimensionality, book suggestions, links to crystal finds, a video about the Third Eye, etc.

• The bonus booster session is personalized to you. I would recommend taking that towards the end of the course, to get all your personal questions answered. I take great pride in my work and would not let you go out into the world with half my knowledge.

• You will get lifetime access to the course as soon as it is up on my new website and will have access to the recording library of all previous and following groups.

• After completing the Healing Module, you will also be invited to participate in our “Divine Light Healing Circle”. There we practice healing arts for the ones in need. We have been quite successful, and many well-meaning beings join us in this exquisite time of light. Not only do you do good, but it will give you a feeling of being “back home”.

• You will be the first to be notified of Fast Track II and Fast Track III. My current students asked me to go deeper into certain areas of interest and I am happy to oblige.

• Themes and Modules of Fast Track I:
1) Connection with the Divine Spirt through Golden Light and Homing in on the 4 major information portals of seeing, hearing, sensing, and feeling,
2) Aura Seeing – Grounding,
3) Meet your guides, angels, and crossed over loved ones in a safe manner
4) How to channel safely,
5) Healing with Divine Light,
6) Clearing Blockages and Module for practical utilization of the gifts in everyday life. This module got extended so that people can also deal with low-frequency beings from ghosts to whatever, as it seems that people see more of such activity, as our planet accelerates its vibrations and the veil between the worlds gets thinner.

Former students tell me from their experiences it should be in the thousands, but that is way too much for everyday use. I asked my spirit guides and they said $699.- (the power of love doubled).

They are telling me that the time of awakening is now and to dedicate time for your practical uplink to your spirit world. They promise it will make life easier in a lot of ways and more fun to boot.

“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.” Leo Buscaglia


Payments can be done in weekly increments. No problem. Please email me for that option.

• The 6 Modules will include numerous videos, instructions, and downloadable material.

After class completion, you will not only have access to the regular “Divine Light Spirit Circle”, happening on Tuesdays with guided meditations, powerful healings for individuals and for the planet, and discussion on what’s going on in the Ethers but also have access to the ongoing “Extras Module”.

Any questions? Please feel free to ask and email.

Check with yourself, whether my mentoring classes are designed for you:

  • Are you hungry for information?

  • Do you want to utilize as many of your gifts as possible in the shortest amount of time?

  • Do you want to learn about your psychic capacities and healing capabilities?

  • Do you want to strengthen your energy field?

  • Do you want to be or already are a light worker?

  • Do you want to find your own network of people?

  • Do you need support in creating your own practice?

  • Do you want to learn about clearing and protection?

If you can answer any of those questions with a wholehearted yes, then my mentoring classes are right for you.

I am looking forward to exploring your potential and the miracle you truly are!

The School of Wholeness Navigation, (928) 300-2112

Medium (Book here)

Claudia Granger , Psychic Medium

We all have crossed over loved ones. I found that they show up in readings unrequested, often protecting the families left behind. If they have to be addressed on request, my team of guiding ones helps to find them and to relate how they are doing and where they are at.

These sessions can never to be guaranteed. That’s why I only charge after the session’s satisfaction. A win win all around.

Mentorship Programs (Book here)

Claudia Granger , Psychic Medium

A Mentoring session lasts about 1hr.

The Mentoring Program is an ongoing very personal process. The mentoring caters precisely to your needs. The mentoring is heart centered, focused and to the point.

Part of the mentoring program is the spiritual birthing.

It is my great honor to be able to see what people have signed up for in this life and to remind them of what a miracle they truly are. From this understanding comes clarity of life’s true purpose and knowledge about karma, free will and multi-dimensionality. Out of that arises true self-esteem.

In the first mentoring session, your wishes and goals are discussed and a personal mentoring program is laid out.

In the second mentoring session, you share your experiences in the first part and exercises are done in the second part. Homework is given and the results are discussed in the beginning of each new mentoring session.

Check with yourself, whether my mentoring classes are designed for you:

  • Are you hungry for information?

  • Do you want to utilize as many of your gifts as possible in the shortest amount of time?

  • Do you want to learn about your psychic capacities and healing capabilities?

  • Do you want to strengthen your energy field?

  • Do you want to be or already are a light worker?

  • Do you want to find your own network of people?

  • Do you need support in creating your own practice?

  • Do you want to learn about clearing and protection?

If you can answer any of those questions with a wholehearted yes, then my mentoring classes are right for you.

I am looking forward to exploring your potential and the miracle you truly are!

The School of Wholeness Navigation, (928) 300-2112

Retreats and Tours (Book here)

We customize Retreats and Tours for you in and around the wide area of Sedona.

Claudia Granger , Psychic Medium

  • We let you experience the Vortex areas as well as show you the connection to the ancients, buy bringing you to sacred spots and spiritual places.

  • We work with various Tour Companies and Massage Therapists, Healers and different facilitators.

  • We are also happy to show your wedding party around the wonderland of Sedona.

  • Group sessions are always in order.

  • Just ask about the possibilities.

We will enjoy meeting your expectations and working to your satisfaction,

Your team at

Claudia Granger, The School of Wholeness Navigation,
(928) 300-2112

Weddings/Commitment Ceremonies (Book here)

You choose from a variety of sacred places for your individual ceremony, which will include the invitation of several spirits of nature, the four directions and your ancestral spirits, performed by a legal minister of the ULC.

My favorite 3 sites are the Feminine Vortex, The River Vortex and the 5 Connections Vortex.

Please see tours to those for details.

Commitment Ceremonies are handled like weddings, but without the legal paperwork.

1 1/2 hour – $ 260 for customized wedding ceremony.

Ask for details.

Want to book Claudia for your ceremony?
Get In Touch


Online Booking Available

Inspirock Trip Planner For All Things Sedona

Group Sessions (Book here)

  • Book me for the day

  • Group Readings or Channelings

  • I come to your Air B&B

  • I teach or lecture to your group

  • Speaking Engagements
Go through the portal of spirituality, Channel with Claudia Granger blue on gold

Gift Certificates (Purchase here)

  • Book me for the day

  • Group Readings or Channelings

  • I come to your Air B&B

  • I teach or lecture to your group

  • Speaking Engagements
Gift Certificate

Psychic Readings (Book here)

  • Aura Readings

  • Clairvoyant Readings

  • Empathic Readings

  • Investment Readings

  • Medical Intuitive

  • Multidimensional Readings

  • Numerology Reading

  • Psychic Reading

  • Relationship Readings

  • Tarot Readings
silhouette of virtual human on sacred zodiac symbols, signs, geometry and designs

Animal Communications (Book here)

  • Animal Communications 30 or 60 minutes

  • Solex Health Scan for Animals (cats, dogs, horses)
Animal Communications

YOUR Brilliance In Demand Programs (Book here)

  • Joyous Life After Divorce

  • Job Shift – Dream Career

  • Ultimate Self Esteem – Teens or Grown Ups
Your Brilliance in Demand Program

Channeling (Book here)

  • Channeling Source

  • Guardian Angels

  • Life Purpose and Mission Hypnosis/Meditation

Classes- Self-Study and 101 (Book here)

  • 101 How to Clear a Person and Space

  • 101 or Self-Study: See Auras

  • Past Life Regression

  • 101 Access your Akashic Records

  • 101 Reiki All Levels

  • Discover and work with your Soul Matrix :
  • The Mysteries of the Soul Matrix is a course where you can read about yourself and others and what your soul wants to explore in a certain timeline. It lasts for 10 hours on different days.
    You will learn: 
  • Why the soul incarnated into this particular life,
  • How it connects to the theme of the previous life,
  • Which motivation and intention brought you here, 
  • What you as a soul decided to be your theme of challenge and growth
  • What you as a soul chose to be your unique strengths
  • With which tools have you as a soul decided to work in this lifetime
  • When you look back on this lifetime, what you wanted to have accomplished
  • How to read what a particular year will bring for you destiny-wise
  • What future years hold in store destiny-wise
  • Which years are leap years where the soul can make the most progress
  • And so much more and also how to do it for others
  • You can book this course here: https://ClaudiaGrangerbookings.as.me/MysteriesSoulMatrix 

School Logo

Clearing (Book here)

  • Clearing your Inner Blockages

  • Clearing you from Attachments

  • Cleansing a house from Spirits

  • Cleansing a Property

Counseling/Coaching (Book here)

  • Spiritual Life Coaching

  • Counseling

  • Synergetic Therapy

  • Recoding / Reprogramming

  • Relieving Life’s Pain

  • Trauma Release
Talking to you 101

Healings (Book here)

  • Aura & Chakra Balancing

  • Emotional and Trauma Release

  • Past Life Regression

  • Reconnective Healing

  • Reiki All Levels

  • With Crystals
Claudia Granger , Psychic Medium

Mastership Program (Book here)

Develop Psychic Abilities

Fast Track to your Psychic Abilities 1
• You can utilize this Mastership Program solely as a Self-Study Program and participate in our bi-weekly life continued learning sessions.

• It is a Comprehensive Mastership Program with 6 self-study modules and group sessions plus one personalized session towards the end of the program ($200 value).

Live Continued LearningTimes can be changed. So far:
• Zoom sessions will happen at 4 or 5 pm MST
• The European group will meet on Thursday mornings at 9 am or 10 am MST
Please compare your time zone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
The World Clock — Worldwide – Time and Date

• Please, if possible, dedicate daily practice time, as practice makes perfect.

• The Continued Learning Zoom meetings will be recorded so that everyone can benefit, even if one cannot attend. They will be stored in the Conintued Learning Library. There is also a Meeting Library where you can access previous group meetings.

The meetings are interactive group sessions with questions and answers on the Zoom platform. These questions and answers and also exercises will be customized to the groups’ individual needs. The Zoom link for the first meeting is found in Module 1 and in the Continued Learning Folder. If we don’t get enough done on the designated day, we might have another call in the week around the same time.

You can see that I will dedicate quite some time to you, even though it is a self-learning course. You will not be left hanging!

• A private “Fast Track to Your Psychic Abilities” Group has also been created on Facebook. There, group members can post suggestions or links to things they might find helpful. I posted links to movies that explain multidimensionality, book suggestions, crystal finds, a video about the Third Eye, etc.

• The bonus booster session is personalized to you. I recommend taking that towards the end of the course to get all your personal questions answered. I take great pride in my work and would not let you enter the world with half my knowledge.

• You will get lifetime access to the course as soon as it is up on my new website and will have access to the recording library of all previous and following groups.

• After completing the Healing Module, you will also be invited to participate in our “Divine Light Healing Circle”. There, we practice healing arts for the ones in need. We have been quite successful, and many well-meaning beings join us in this exquisite time of light. Not only do you do good, but it will give you a feeling of being “back home”.

• You will be the first to be notified of Fast Track II and Fast Track III. My current students asked me to explore certain areas of interest more deeply, and I am happy to oblige.

• Themes and Modules of Fast Track I:
1) Connection with the Divine Spirt through Golden Light and Homing in on the 4 major information portals of seeing, hearing, sensing, and feeling,
2) Aura Seeing – Grounding,
3) Meet your guides, angels, and crossed-over loved ones in a safe manner
4) How to channel safely,
5) Healing with Divine Light,
6) Clearing Blockages and Module for Practical Utilization of the Gifts in Everyday Life. This module was extended so that people can also deal with low-frequency beings, from ghosts to whatever. It seems that people see more of such activity as our planet accelerates its vibrations and the veil between the worlds gets thinner.

Former students tell me from their experiences it should be in the thousands, but that is way too much for everyday use. I asked my spirit guides, and they said $699.- (the power of love doubled).

They are telling me that the time of awakening is now and that you should dedicate time to your practical uplink to your spirit world. They promise it will make life easier in many ways and more fun to boot.

“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.” Leo Buscaglia


Payments can be made in weekly increments. No problem. Please email me for that option.

• The 6 Modules will include videos, instructions, and downloadable material.

After class completion, you will not only have access to the regular “Divine Light Spirit Circle,” which happens on Wednesdays and features guided meditations, powerful healings for individuals and the planet, and discussion on what’s going on in the Ethers, but you will also have access to the ongoing “Extras Module.”

Any questions? Please feel free to ask and email.

Check with yourself whether my mentoring classes are designed for you:

  • Are you hungry for information?

  • Do you want to utilize as many of your gifts as possible in the shortest amount of time?

  • Do you want to learn about your psychic capacities and healing capabilities?

  • Do you want to strengthen your energy field?

  • Do you want to be a light worker, or are you already a light worker?

  • Do you want to find your network of people?

  • Do you need support in creating your practice?

  • Do you want to learn about clearing and protection?

If you can answer any of those questions with a wholehearted yes, then my mentoring classes are right for you.

I look forward to exploring your potential and the miracle you truly are!

The School of Wholeness Navigation, (928) 300-2112

Medium (Book here)

Claudia Granger , Psychic Medium

We all have crossed over loved ones. I found that they show up in readings unrequested, often protecting the families left behind. If they have to be addressed on request, my team of guiding ones helps to find them and to relate how they are doing and where they are at.

These sessions can never to be guaranteed. That’s why I only charge after the session’s satisfaction. A win win all around.

Mentorship Programs (Book here)

Claudia Granger , Psychic Medium

A Mentoring session lasts about 1hr.

The Mentoring Program is an ongoing very personal process. The mentoring caters precisely to your needs. The mentoring is heart centered, focused and to the point.

Part of the mentoring program is the spiritual birthing.

It is my great honor to be able to see what people have signed up for in this life and to remind them of what a miracle they truly are. From this understanding comes clarity of life’s true purpose and knowledge about karma, free will and multi-dimensionality. Out of that arises true self-esteem.

In the first mentoring session, your wishes and goals are discussed and a personal mentoring program is laid out.

In the second mentoring session, you share your experiences in the first part and exercises are done in the second part. Homework is given and the results are discussed in the beginning of each new mentoring session.

Check with yourself, whether my mentoring classes are designed for you:

  • Are you hungry for information?

  • Do you want to utilize as many of your gifts as possible in the shortest amount of time?

  • Do you want to learn about your psychic capacities and healing capabilities?

  • Do you want to strengthen your energy field?

  • Do you want to be or already are a light worker?

  • Do you want to find your own network of people?

  • Do you need support in creating your own practice?

  • Do you want to learn about clearing and protection?

If you can answer any of those questions with a wholehearted yes, then my mentoring classes are right for you.

I am looking forward to exploring your potential and the miracle you truly are!

The School of Wholeness Navigation, (928) 300-2112

Retreats and Tours (Book here)

We customize Retreats and Tours for you in and around the wide area of Sedona.

Claudia Granger , Psychic Medium

  • We let you experience the Vortex areas as well as show you the connection to the ancients, buy bringing you to sacred spots and spiritual places.

  • We work with various Tour Companies and Massage Therapists, Healers and different facilitators.

  • We are also happy to show your wedding party around the wonderland of Sedona.

  • Group sessions are always in order.

  • Just ask about the possibilities.

We will enjoy meeting your expectations and working to your satisfaction,

Your team at

Claudia Granger, The School of Wholeness Navigation,
(928) 300-2112

Weddings/Commitment Ceremonies (Book here)

You choose from a variety of sacred places for your individual ceremony, which will include the invitation of several spirits of nature, the four directions and your ancestral spirits, performed by a legal minister of the ULC.

My favorite 3 sites are the Feminine Vortex, The River Vortex and the 5 Connections Vortex.

Please see tours to those for details.

Commitment Ceremonies are handled like weddings, but without the legal paperwork.

1 1/2 hour – $ 260 for customized wedding ceremony.

Ask for details.

Want to book Claudia for your ceremony?
Get In Touch